Lynn J. Horowitz & W.R.A. Duurkoop

Lynn J. Horowitz, MHS, OT
Southern California Sensory Integration Test-certified, nr. 5956
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test-certified, nr. 660
Cranial Sacral I
Dr. W.R.A. Duurkoop, medical sociologist, Ph. D.

LYNN J. HOROWITZ, MHS, OT, is an American occupational therapist who has practiced Sensory Integration therapy for 40 years. After graduating from the University of Buffalo, she began specializing in pediatrics and started the first occupational therapy private practice in Georgia, in Atlanta, for children with sensory integration difficulties. Deciding to go to Israel for 2 years, she treated children in an out-patient center, as well as taught a small group of occupational therapists sensory integration theory.

Back in America, in graduate school at the University of Florida, she analyzed why ocular motor changes occured when a child attended Sensory Integration therapy. Even though her life took her to Amsterdam, this topic could be further studied. Dr. Ayres had seen the preliminary data and article , and had strongly encouraged Lynn to publish it. [Lynn Horowitz, W.R.A. Oosterveld, and Ria Adrichem, "The Effectiveness of Sensory Integration Therapy on Ocular Pursuits and Organization Time," Pediatrics and Related Topics 31, no. 5 (1993): 331-44. ]

For more than 20 years, Lynn was director of the Netherlands Center for Sensory Integration, a year long post-graduate sensory integration course for physical, occupational, and speech therapists. Many top-notch U.S. faculty were brought to the Netherlands for additional congresses and workshops. During this time, the research for the Motor Observations was on-going.

Lynn now lives in Cozumel, Mexico where she treats children, continues to publish articles on the Motor Observations and with Cecile, works on the next book, on dyspraxia.

Dr. W.R.A. DUURKOOP, medical sociologist, Ph. D.

Dr. Duurkoop, is a father of a child who was receiving sensory integration therapy at the private practice of Lynn J. Horowitz in Haarlem, Netherlands. Being a researcher, he was interested in how we tested his son and came to our conclusions. He saw that we were using statistics for the Southern California Sensory Integration Test ( SCSIT) but not for the Clinical Observations. Why not? And with that question, the project was initiated 20+ years ago.

He has been the "motor" behind the Motor Observations, presenting the preliminary data at the Sensory Integration Symposium in London in 1994 with Lynn. During this time, he received his Ph.D. for his work documenting the social, medicinal and physical effects of transferring psychiatric patients from an old hospital in a rural area near the sea to apartment housing in downtown Amsterdam. In addition, he documented this photographically, publishing a 400+ page book of black and white photos of this historic event, called Back in the City. He has also written many articles on various aspects of this move and presented these in several countries.